Pricing and Framework Agreements

Paralegal has an entirely transparent pricing policy across the board. We are mindful of our clients’ budgetary and time constraints. That’s why we are flexible in how we bill and clear in communicating costs before we start. Contact us to find out how we make most things possible, with no unpleasant surprises on the cost-side.

Framework agreements

Many of our clients have opted for a framework agreement with us. A framework agreement will govern e.g. pricing, confidentiality, and delivery times. This cuts lead times dramatically because everything is already in place when ordering translations or other services. It also allows any authorised member of your organisation to place an order, secure in the knowledge that confidentiality provisions, terms and conditions, and preferential rates have all been signed off. It is also easy to link to us as a preferred supplier on your intranet.

Contact us if you would like to know more.