We translate, localise and draft legal documents. These include contracts, minutes, court submissions and policies.
Translating is an art rather than a science. This is particularly true of legal translations. We are not Luddites though. We do appreciate that there are some fascinating developments taking place in automated text generation and translation. There are also some splendid on-line resources available now. But a “mechanical” translation of a document containing complex legal concepts can feel clunky, miss subtle shades of meaning, and is likely to contain stark legal errors. At best this is simply inconvenient. At worst it will lead to a costly dispute. A successful translation demands three key skills:
Firstly, it calls for an intimate knowledge of the source language and the finely-honed skills of a master draftsman in the target language.
Secondly, a sound grasp of the relevant legal systems is essential if common pitfalls and translation “false friends” are to be avoided.
Finally, a sound understanding of the subject-matter of the document will ensure that appropriate terms-of-art are used.
How does Paralegal meet these demands?
Tim and Peter both have very impressive legal qualifications. They have completed stringent academic and vocational training; passed a series of rigorous examinations and demonstrated outstanding professional skills. Paralegal AB also insists upon membership of an appropriate professional regulatory body or bar. Paralegal can also draw upon direct practical experience of law including advisory work and contract negotiation and drafting. This gives us a unique insight into the challenges that face our clients.
We have a passion for law and are very well-versed in the legal systems of Sweden and the Anglo-Saxon jurisdictions.
Because we only undertake commissions in subject areas with which we are familiar, we have a grasp of the relevant terms-of-art. These subject areas include: contracts, real estate, tax, construction, marketing, pharmaceuticals, and manufacturing.
We are pragmatic
As much as we love law and language, we are not ivory-towered academics. Having worked in business and law we are pragmatic. We are sensitive to your needs and aware of budgetary constraints. We understand that a translation can be a big investment in time and money. One of the key questions we will ask is, how will the translation be used? A document may be needed simply to keep your client up-to-speed on a court case. Or you may need a draft agreement translated to allow the parties to move forward on negotiations. In other cases, you may need to have a policy document or consumer contract that will be localised and used as an original in key jurisdictions. Understanding the purpose of the document will help us advise you on the best and most cost-efficient way of approaching the task. We know where best to invest your time and money. Perhaps a translated executive summary will meet your requirements rather than simply translating the entire document? Likewise, it may not be advisable to translate diagrammatic information or schedules. Sometimes, focusing your attention on well-drafted and localised boilerplate clauses is the best way forward. You also may be unsure how best to certify your translation for use in a foreign court of law? Making decisions on these issues demands expertise, experience and pragmatism. Qualities Paralegal has in abundance.
Authorised translation
Paralegal provides authorised translations from English to Swedish and vice versa.
The professional title, “Authorised Translator” is awarded by the Legal, Financial and Administrative Services Agency and is protected by law. An authorised translator meets exacting standards and is subject to a professional code of conduct and a strict duty of confidentiality. Swedish courts and public authorities will often require authorised translations of documents. As a result, authorised translators are highly qualified and well-regarded in Sweden.
It is important to identify any demands imposed by a public authority on the translation and verification of documents. These demands will certainly vary from country to country. Where Swedish authorisation of translations is not recognised, we offer alternative ways to verify a translated document. To that end, we work closely with public notaries to ensure that documentation is verified and, where required, an apostille applied.
Please get in touch to discuss cost-effective and high-quality translation and certification solutions that will meet the requirements of any given jurisdiction.
Getting the quality right
We work in pairs, so any document will be translated, reviewed, edited and proof-read by a team of two lawyers familiar with both source and target language. We work with a mix of lawyers, each one with experience/qualification in the relevant jurisdiction. Because two heads are better than one.
To ensure that there is no confusion as to which document is deemed to be the “original”, we are well versed in drawing up (and signing where required) disclaimers, certification of translations and statements concerning the order of precedence of documents.
So much more than translation
We can produce suite of documents/contracts from scratch or on the basis of source-language precedent documents.
We can draft and localise boilerplate clauses
We can help you interpret contractual obligations ahead of negotiations.
We can help shed light on the meaning of legal words and phrases, where there is a dispute about obligations.
We can and will suggest editorial amendments to your original source document where appropriate.
Tight deadline? We get it. We pride ourselves on taking on the most demanding of assignments and delivering on time.
We are fast, friendly and flexible. In the vast majority of cases you will deal directly with your translation team.