Authorised translations

Paralegal provides authorised translations from English to Swedish and vice versa.

The professional title, “Authorised Translator” is awarded by the Legal, Financial and Administrative Services Agency and is protected by law. An authorised translator meets exacting standards and is subject to a professional code of conduct and a strict duty of confidentiality. Swedish courts and public authorities will often require authorised translations of documents. As a result, authorised translators are highly qualified and well-regarded in Sweden.   

It is important to identify any demands imposed by a public authority on the translation and verification of documents. These demands will certainly vary from country to country. Where Swedish authorisation of translations is not recognised, we offer alternative ways to verify a translated document. To that end, we work closely with public notaries to ensure that documentation is verified and, where required, an apostille applied.     

Please get in touch to discuss cost-effective and high-quality translation and certification solutions that will meet the requirements of any given jurisdiction. 


What will it cost to translate my document?

The cost of a translation is determined by a number of factors:

the size of the document;

the number of words;

the quality of the original document; and

aspects of layout such as tables or diagrams.


We will always give you an upfront, fixed price so you know exactly what your translation will cost. We will also be clear on what is included and what will incur extra cost.

Prices for a single page start from about SEK 500 including Swedish VAT (moms). Typical translations include extracts from the population register (personbevis); statements from the Swedish Tax Agency (Skatteverket); and educational records (examensbevis, studiebevis). The cost for most typical translations of this sort is in the region of SEK 800: to 1SEK 500 including Swedish VAT (moms).

How do I get a price quote?

The best way to get a quote is to send us by e-mail a copy of the document(s) you would like translated. You can send the document in most formats e.g. Word or PDF.  E-mail to 

If you don’t have the documents yet or are unable to e-mail them to us, you can also call Tim on +46 (0) 735876941 or Peter on +46 (0)708 49 73 42 to discuss the cost of your translation. We are usually able to give you a very good idea of what it will cost without seeing the document itself.

Always feel free to call us to discuss your particular needs and budget constraints. 

What is included in the standard price for an authorised translation?

We will always tell you in advance what is included in the standard price we offer. As a general rule, our standard price will include the services outlined in the table below. We will always discuss any additional services and costs, and agree these with you in advance.  Two examples of services that are not included in the standard price but can be arranged at an additional cost are certification by a Public Notary (apostille) and delivery by courier or registered mail.  


Translation and layout

We convert the file you send us into a form that can be edited. This normally allows us to present the translation in a layout as close as possible to the original. Complex layout issues may incur an extra cost.

Included in standard price


We will provide a written certificate with each translation. This will be signed by the authorised translator. The translation will also be provided with the official stamp of the translator.

Included in standard price.

Digital delivery

Digital delivery by e-mail or suitable on-line file sharing service. We are happy to send a paper copy by post at an additional cost.

Included in standard price


If you are a private individual who is resident in Sweden, Swedish VAT (moms) is included in the price we offer and any prices stated here. Please let us know if you are not resident in Sweden or the bill will be paid by a business, and we will make appropriate arrangements for the billing.

Do I need an authorised translator?

Not all translations need to be done by an authorised translator. But if you are planning to use the document abroad it will most often need to be done by an authorised translator. Visa applications, marriage certificates, financial reports and tax statements, driving licences, and exam certificates are all examples of documents that may require an authorised translation. In Sweden, authorisation is granted by Kammarkollegiet (the Legal, Financial and Administrative Services Agency). Authorised translators meet rigorous standards and are subject to a strict duty of confidentiality. Many national and public authorities require that a translation has been completed by an authorised translator. In some cases, the translation may need additional verification by a Public Notary and by the application of an apostille. Requirements vary so always check what is needed in your case. In the majority of cases, a translation that has been completed by an authorised translator will be accepted without further requirements. If you are in any doubt, please call us to discuss and help guide you through the process.

Are there alternatives to using an authorised translator?

We recognise that translating some documents can be time-consuming and costly. In some cases there may be alternatives.

  1. Get a document issued in the target language.

You may be able to able to request that the original document be provided in the target language. For example Skatteverket (Swedish Tax Agency) issues some documents in English. Some schools and universities may be able to issue exam certificates and grade transcripts in English. Such documents may be recognised and accepted without the need for translation.  We are also able to verify the authenticity of such documents.

  1. Has the document already been translated?

Even if the issuing authority cannot provide an original in the target language, a translation of the document may already exist. In some cases we may be able to verify that the translation is correct and complete and certify it accordingly.

  1. Get a lawyer to summarise and verify the nature of the document.

You may have been asked to provide  a copy of a utilities bill or bank statement. This is quite common in, for example, the UK. In some jurisdictions it is possible for a “person of good standing” such as a lawyer to verify the nature of the document without it being translated. We can help you with this.

When submitting documents/translations it is vital to understand and comply with the demands being made. This varies country-to-country so always check first. We are also happy to discuss any of the above options to arrive at a cost-effective solution.   

How do I get the document to you?

We rarely need the original document, so you can send us a copy digitally. E-mail is the most common way of sending us documents for translation. But we are happy to use file-sharing services as an alternative if you have a particularly long document. In most cases, simply scan the document and send us the file. We are able to convert most file formats and will endeavour to be as faithful as possible to the original layout. In some cases (e.g. very short, one-page documents) you may be able to take a photo of the document with your mobile and send that across to us. We are very flexible and accommodating but bear in mind that the quality of the original document may influence the layout of the translated document.

How will I pay?

You pay after the translation has been done. Once you have received the translated document in a digital format, we will send you an invoice by email. This is payable within 15 days of the date of the invoice. Penalty interest will be charged if you do not pay within this period. We will ask you to provide us with sufficient details to allow us to prepare the invoice. Let us know in advance if the invoice should be addressed to a business (rather than you as a private individual) or if you are resident outside Sweden as this may affect the VAT (moms) status.

What will the translated document look like?

Most documents are delivered to us in PDF format. We will convert this to a form that can be edited. This allows us to translate the document and keep the original layout as far as possible. The translated document will look very much like the original. Please bear in mind that that it is not always possible to replicate exactly the original document. The target language may require more words that the source language and this may affect e.g. the disposition of a table or column. Some logos, pictures or handwriting can be difficult to replicate exactly.

Normal file conversion and layout of the type described above is included in the standard price unless otherwise stated. Let us know if you have any specific requirements as to layout or format.

How can I keep the cost down?

Many of our clients are in the process of moving abroad to live, work or study. This is a complex and expensive process in itself. We understand that the cost of a translation may be an unwelcome additional cost. Below are some things to think about to help keep the cost down.

Always check first with the relevant authority exactly which documents need to be translated and the demands placed on these. But here are some questions to consider:

  1. Does the document need to be translated in its entirety? Documents often include standard, boilerplate text that does not apply to you specifically and will be of no value when translated. These standard texts may also already be available in the target language (e.g. English).
  2. Find out if you can have someone (such as a lawyer) verify the nature of documents such as household bills and bank statements rather than translating them?
  3. Will documents that have been issued in the target language by the relevant authority (e.g. Skatteverket) be accepted? If so, do they require further authorisation?
  4. Is it better and more cost-effective to pay for e.g. an international driving licence rather than translating my Swedish licence?

Feel free to contact us directly to discuss these options.

How long will it take to translate my documents?

The same factors that determine the price of a translation (such as length, complexity and layout) will determine how long it takes to translate and deliver your documents. Depending on our availability, shorter documents (up to 2 pages) will almost always be delivered digitally within 24 hours and medium- length documents up to 5 pages within 48 hours. This applies during the working week and holidays or weekends may affect delivery time. We will always let you know in advance when you can expect delivery. We are extremely quick and flexible so let us know if you have any particular deadlines to work to and we will do our utmost to meet these. These delivery times apply to documents provided and delivered electronically (e.g. by e-mail) so allow extra time if you would like documents delivered using regular postal service.

Who will be doing the translation?  

All authorised translations are done in-house by our own staff. We are not a translation agency and will never sub-contract your translation to another translator. This means that we have total control of quality; we can guarantee absolute confidentiality; and you will have direct contact with the translator to discuss any special requests you may have.

Authorised translations from Swedish to English will be carried out by Tim Cramp (translator number 890) who is authorised by Kammarkollegiet in Sweden. Tim is an experienced translator, lawyer and member of the bar of England and Wales.  Tim is a first-language British English speaker.

Authorised translations from English to Swedish will be carried out by Peter Hjerdin (translator number XXX) who is authorised by Kammarkollegiet in Sweden. Peter is an experienced translator, lawyer and member of the New York State Bar. Peter is a first-language Swedish speaker.

Both Tim and Peter are lawyers and are able to verify e.g. passport and visa applications as “persons of good standing” where this is an option. 

How is the translation certified?

The authorised translator will sign a short, written statement verifying that the translation has been carried out by an authorised translator. The translator will provide his full name and translator number. The translator will also provide the translation with an official stamp. In the majority of cases a digital copy of the translation, certification and signature is sufficient. Let us know If a wet-ink copy is needed and we will arrange for an original, paper copy to be posted to you. This may incur additional cost for you.

We co-operate with a Public Notary (notarius publicus) and can arrange for the application of an apostille if required. This will typically incur an additional cost of SEK 400 (per document) for you.